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Tuesday, 27 September 2016

MyWapBlog Blogginq Helps

Under: Mywapblog Tutorials What is the Setting in MyWapBlog? What is the function of the Settings in MyWapBlog? Have you ever wondered what to fill/do in what field? MyWapBlog Setting is a page on MyWapBlog blogging platform that serves as a page to set up your blog. Once you’ve got your Mywapblog blog, there are a few tweaks you’ll want to make to the default settings. This is a quick overview of the Settings area of the MWB Settings . You don’t have to tweak, or necessarily understand every single option – you can use this a rough guide as to what to pay attention to. Fast access to settings MyWapBlog - You can quickly access by visiting the link http://www.mywapblog.com/en/settings.php? , it is advisable to remember, record, or bookmark the link, because the link is very useful and will often be used by you. In the Settings of MyWapBlog there are various menus to set your blog that looks good on your blog or not seen on your blog.In the setting MyWapBlog there are several submenus include Blog, Display, Personal, Discussion, Misc, Password, and Security. Blog 1. Name This is used to change the name of your blog. 2. Description It is used to change the caption or description of your blog. 3. Category It serves to change the category of your blog. 4. Language It is used for your language in writing articles on a blog, not all languages are available, and therefore there is an option ' Other'. 5. Logo It is used to upload your images to be used as a logo for your blog, or you can choose directly from the image file you have uploaded. 6. Favicon It is used to upload a favicon to your blog or remove favicon to your blog. Display 1. Posts Per Page It is used to set how many articles you want to show on the every page of the blog. 2. Homepage Style It allows you to choose the style of articles in the initial page. My Recommendation: 'All Post Teasers' 3. Image Thumbnails It serves to show the images in your article on the home page. 4. Visitor Counters This arrangement serves to enable or disable the visitor counters under the blog page. 5. Social Buttons Enable to show the facebook and twitter button to share your blog posts to social sites. 6. Recent Posts List in Single Post It is used to display the new article on our blog in our articles. Personal 1. Profile Picture To upload or select images to be used as your profile picture in About Page 2. Name Add or change your name in the blog. 3. Email To add your email, is also used to verify your blog, email will never be displayed on your blog. 4. Location To add your address or location. 5. About you Can be added your motto, your personal data, and anything you like. Discussion 1. Allow Comments If this is enabled people can still comment on your previous blog article. 2. Registered Users Only If this is enabled, Only Mywapblog users can comment. 3. Captcha Required Choose according to your wish, is also useful to avoid comments of the robot's comments, if there are people who want to comment are required to fill the security code shown if the feature is enabled. 4. Close Comments on Older Post If this is enabled, articles that have exceeded 14 days, people will not able to add comments to it. 5. Comment Moderation To avoid spam comments you are highly recommended to enable this feature, because you will be given full control to manage comments on your blog. 6. Comments Require Email Everyone who will comment must enter their email as well. Misc 1. Time Zone Arrange according to the time zone of your location, in India select (UTC 05: 30) Mumbai/ Kolkata. 2. Receive Email Notifications If this is activated you will receive an email whenever there is an important event that happened in your blog. 3. HTML mode (Advanced) Are strongly advised to activate this feature because HTML has many functions later on your blog. 4. Auto-Paragraph in HTML mode If this is enabled, double newlines will be automatically converted into a paragraph. 5. Posts in Syndication Feed Set the number of articles you want in FEED Syndicate your blog. 6. Syndication Feed Style Stylise your blog articles in the FEED Syndication, I recommend the 'Excerpted Posts'. Password 1. It is used to change your old password of your Mywapblog account. Security 1. Two-step Authentication It is very useful to protect your blog from phishing, you are required to enter a security question.And the answer that you apply, remember well because it will require each time you get into MyWapBlog. 2. Password Reverification If this is enabled you will be prompted to enter a password each time you open the settings in MyWapBlog.

©Beejay Cyber World

1 comment:

  1. Beejay How did yhu write all this he'll .. yhure tryinq oo


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